Full PDC with Rico Zook (11 - 26 Jan 2020)

16 days! That’s not much is it? But it’s enough to change your life or at least plant the seed of change & growth, apparently.

The Permaculture Design Course Certification with Rico Zook; co-taught by Ranjot Singh and Jyoti Deshpande kicked off with great excitement! We spent 16 days nestled in the 8th most biodiverse region on the planet: at One Earth Eco Retreat, a beautiful farm stay nestled in the jungle, in one of the unique Blue Zones on our little planet.⠀ ⠀⠀
Our 16 day long PDC began with us gathering together to co-create a safe space—one that is ideal for exploring our surroundings, each other and immersing ourselves in permaculture concepts, and growing together through the application of conscious design and mindful communication and actions in the way we conduct our daily life here on retreat. Interactive learning, open lines of communication and constant innovation were encouraged as we also dived deep into the three core ethics and principles of Permaculture in these first days.

We dove into week two of our Permaculture certification retreat at One Earth Retreat, by focusing on actual designs that apply Permaculture ethics, principles and techniques to both the land and invisible structures.

During the course of this experience we’ve planted some seeds, some have grown stronger roots, others allowed themselves to be nurtured by love & nature strengthening their stem, while some bloomed. We experienced the magic of waking up in serene environs every day, and going to sleep each night with a tingling excitement that we are forever changed.

Our take away from our mentor Rico Zook : Everything is energy, systems are everywhere and we are all interconnected. ⠀⠀⠀

Our little tribe of newly made friends now has the responsibility to take the learnings of these 16 days and embody them in their everyday life... Small steps...Observing, interacting, integrating... Because wouldn’t it be better if we did live in a world where people care, earth care & future care were the building blocks of our lives, families, communities, businesses and artistic endeavours?

Meghna Kapoor